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Dill (Anethum graveolens) is a short-lived annual herb.

The name dill is thought to have originated from a Norse or Anglo-Saxon word 'dylle' meaning to soothe or lull, the plant having the carminative property of relieving gas.

In some English speaking countries, it is sometimes called Dillby. In some Asian local languages it is called as "Shepu" or "Sowa".

Fresh and dried dill leaves (sometimes called "dill weed" to distinguish it from dill seed) are used as herbs.
Like caraway, its fernlike leaves are aromatic, and are used to flavor many foods, such as gravlax (cured salmon), borscht and other soups, and pickles (where sometimes the dill flower is used). Dill is said to be best when used fresh, as it loses its flavor rapidly if dried; however, freeze-dried dill leaves preserve their flavor relatively well for a few months.

In the Middle Ages, dill was thought to protect against witchcraft.

Dill seed is used as a spice, with a flavor similar to caraway.

Dill oil can be extracted from the leaves, stems and seeds of the plant.

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