Feijoada recipes
For Brazilian Feijoada you will need chopped onion, chopped clove garlic, smoked ham hocks, dry black beans, chopped green onions, diced ham, thickly sliced bacon, bay leaves, some salt and pepper, olive oil, ground coriander, chopped fresh cilantro, and chopped fresh parsley to make this main dish feijoada recipe.
Main dish feijoada recipes added by Joan2007 on Dec 20, 2010
Bacon, pork shoulder blade, panseta pork, veal, sliced sausage, bay leaves, black beans, olive soup, chopped onion, cloves garlic, chopped piperitses fresh chilli, some salt and pepper, some chopped parsley, and soup red wine vinegar are used to cook Feijoada soup feijoada recipe.
Soup feijoada recipes added by Art99 on Nov 26, 2010