Potatiskorv recipes
For Potatiskorv [in English] you will need fat pork shoulder or loin cut, beef cut, potatoes peeled and cut, red onion peeled and cut, freshly ground black pepper, salt, sugar, potato flour, m casings, and m cotton string to make this meat potatiskorv recipe.
Meat potatiskorv recipes added by RiVD on Feb 1, 2011
For Potatiskorv [in Swedish] you will need fett fläskkött i bitar, nötkött i bitar, potatis skalad i bitar, rödlök skalad i bitar, nymalen svartpeppar, salt, socker, potatismjöl, meter fjälster, and meter bomullssnöre to make this meat potatiskorv recipe.
Meat potatiskorv recipes added by RiVD on Feb 1, 2011
For Christmas Potatis Korv you will need ground lean pork, ground lean beef, medium raw potatoes shredded, salt, ground allspice, pepper, and medium onion chopped to make this meat potatiskorv recipe.
Meat potatiskorv recipes added by Margo on Dec 5, 2008