Recipe search by ingredients
Amaretto Mousse Cheesecake (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 1, 2008
tags: amaretto, bake, cheese, cheesecake, christmas, dessert, desserts, gelatine, italian, margarine, mousse, party
Banana Cocktail (Drink recipe)
added on Jan 1, 2008
tags: advance, banana, cocktail, cooking-with-a-child, desserts, drink, european, fruit, mocktail, summer
Southern Biscuit Muffins (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 7, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, biscuit, christmas, cookies, european, muffins, party, southern
Fresh Blackberry Muffins (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 7, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, blackberry, blueberries, christmas, cookies, fresh, muffins, party
Blueberry Muffins (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 7, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, blueberry, christmas, cookies, fruit, muffins, party, sweet
Barbeque Wings (Appetizer recipe)
added on Jan 8, 2008
tags: appetizer, barbeque, chicken, dijon, grill, mexican, mustard, party, poultry, starter, wings
Choc Meringues (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 12, 2008
tags: bake, baking, choc, christmas, cookies, easter, egg, european, meringues, party
Rogaliki (Bread recipe)
added on Jan 12, 2008
tags: bake, baking, bread, children, christmas, easter, european, party, rogaliki, thanksgiving
Irish Christmas Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 12, 2008
tags: almonds, american, bake, baking, children, christmas, cookies, easter, egg, european, hanukkah, irish, party, raisins, thanksgiving, whiskey, xmas
Carrot Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 14, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, cake, carrot, christmas, dessert, easter, european, fruit, hanukkah, party
White Chocolate Latte (Drink recipe)
added on Jan 14, 2008
tags: american, children, chocolate, drink, espresso, european, latte, milk, white-chocolate, winter
Oatmeal Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 14, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, christmas, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, easter, european, hanukkah, healthy, oatmeal, party
Acini di Pepe Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Jan 15, 2008
tags: acini, dessert, fruit, healthy, italian, lunch, main, party, pasta, pepe, salad, saute
Pumpkin Muffins (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 15, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, christmas, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, egg, fruit, halloween, muffins, party, pumpkin, thanksgiving
Banana Crumb Muffins (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 15, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, banana, bread, children, christmas, cookies, crumb, dessert, easter, european, fruit, healthy, muffins, party
Hot German Potato Salad (Lunch recipe)
added on Jan 15, 2008
tags: american, european, fry, german, healthy, hot, lunch, potato, salad, side-dish, vegetable
Afternoon Tea Scones (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 16, 2008
tags: afternoon, american, bake, baking, children, christmas, cookies, easter, egg, european, fruit, healthy, party, scones, tea
Spanish Almond Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 17, 2008
tags: almond, bake, baking, cake, children, christmas, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, hanukkah, party, spanish, sweets
American Apple Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Jan 18, 2008
tags: american, apple, bake, baking, children, cookies, dessert, easter, fruit, hanukkah, healthy, party, pie, sweets, thanksgiving
American Strawberry Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Jan 18, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, blueberries, children, christmas, dessert, easter, european, fruit, halloween, hanukkah, healthy, margarine, party, pie, strawberry, sweets
Almond Apricot Bars (Pie recipe)
added on Jan 19, 2008
tags: almond, american, apricot, bake, baking, bars, children, christmas, cookies, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, halloween, hanukkah, healthy, jam, microwave, party, pie, thanksgiving, vanilla
Pheasant with Cranberry Sauce (Poultry recipe)
added on Jan 20, 2008
tags: bake, cranberry, french, fruit, lunch, main, pheasant, poultry, sauce, thanksgiving
Advocaat (Drink recipe)
added on Jan 21, 2008
tags: advocaat, alcoholic, christmas, cognac, drink, dutch, egg, eggnog, european, party
Carrot Raisin Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Jan 22, 2008
tags: carrot, coconut, french, fruit, potassium, raisin, salad, side-dish, vegan, vegetable, vitamin, walnuts
Almond Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 22, 2008
tags: almond, baking, children, chinese, christmas, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, easter, hanukkah, vitamin
Almond Tea (Drink recipe)
added on Jan 24, 2008
tags: almond, children, dessert, drink, healthy, indian, potassium, summer, tea, vitamin
Baked French Toast with Berries (Breakfast recipe)
added on Jan 30, 2008
tags: baguette, baked, berries, blueberries, bread, breakfast, cinnamon, dessert, french, fruit, healthy, party, strawberries, toast, winter
Apple Cinnamon French Toast (Breakfast recipe)
added on Jan 30, 2008
tags: apple, bake, bread, breakfast, children, cinnamon, dessert, egg, french, fruit, healthy, sweets, toast
Valentine Sugar Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 29, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, british, children, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, egg, flour, party, sugar, sweets, valentine, winter
Eclairs (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 29, 2008
tags: bake, baking, children, chocolate, cookies, dessert, easter, eclair, eclairs, french, party, valentines
Chocolate Kiss Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 29, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, british, children, chocolate, cookies, dessert, healthy, kiss, party, valentines, winter
Barbecued Alaskan Salmon (Fish recipe)
added on Jan 28, 2008
tags: alaskan, american, barbecue, barbecued, fish, healthy, main, salmon, seafood, steak, summer
Love Letters (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 27, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, cherries, cookies, cream, day, dessert, european, fruit, healthy, lemon, letters, love, orange, party, valentines, zest
Valentine's Day Dessert (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 27, 2008
tags: bake, baking, cheese, cherry, cream, day, dessert, european, fruit, party, valentines, winter
Amaretto Cheesecake (Pie recipe)
added on Jan 26, 2008
tags: amaretto, bake, baking, cheese, cheesecake, christmas, cookies, cornstarch, dessert, easter, egg, halloween, hanukkah, italian, liqueur, party, pie
Amaretto Cake (Pie recipe)
added on Jan 26, 2008
tags: almond, amaretto, baking, cake, christmas, dessert, easter, hanukkah, italian, pie
Cherry Chocolate Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 31, 2008
tags: american, baking, cherry, children, chocolate, christmas, cookies, dessert, egg, fruit, party, vanilla
Blackberry Lemonade (Drink recipe)
added on Jan 31, 2008
tags: blackberries, blackberry, children, christmas, drink, european, fruit, healthy, juice, lemon, lemonade, mocktail
Cabbage Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Feb 1, 2008
tags: cabbage, celery, european, green-pepper, healthy, onion, pepper, salad, starter, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian
Amish Friendship Banana Nut Bread (Bread recipe)
added on Feb 2, 2008
tags: amish, bake, baking, banana, bananas, bread, dairy, egg, european, friendship, fruit, healthy, nut, shortening, swiss, walnuts
Apricot Pineapple Jam (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 2, 2008
tags: american, apricot, children, dessert, easter, fruit, grapefruit, jam, pineapple, potassium, sweets, vegan, vegetarian
Apricot Squares (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 2, 2008
tags: apricot, baking, children, christmas, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, favorite, fruit, squares, thanksgiving, walnuts
Chinese Pork Tenderloin (Main Dish recipe)
added on Feb 5, 2008
tags: bake, chinese, hoisin, lunch, main, meat, pork, sauce, sherry, soy, tenderloin
Chinese Potato Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Feb 5, 2008
tags: bacon, bok, celantro, chinese, choy, healthy, lunch, onion, pepper, pork, potato, red-pepper, salad, sesame, soy-sauce, starter, vegetable
Mushroom, Red Pepper, and Squash Yakitori (Main Dish recipe)
added on Feb 8, 2008
tags: bell-pepper, children, cornstarch, dry, fruit, ginger, grill, healthy, japanese, main, mirin, mushroom, pepper, red-pepper, sauce, sherry, soy, squash, valentines, vegetable, yakitori
Blackout Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 8, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, blackout, cake, chocolate, christmas, cocoa, cornstarch, crumbs, dairy, dessert, easter, european, party, powder, tartar, valentines, vanilla, wafer
Almond Balls (Cookie recipe)
added on Feb 9, 2008
tags: almond, bake, baking, balls, cherries, children, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, italian, nut, party, spanish, sweets, vanilla
Ausstecherle (Cookie recipe)
added on Feb 9, 2008
tags: ausstecherle, bake, baking, children, christmas, cookie, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, easter, european, party, soft, sweets
Bavarian Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Feb 9, 2008
tags: bake, baking, bavarian, children, chocolate, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, deutsch, easter, egg, european, german, holiday, party, pie
Brownie Mix (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 9, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, bread, breakfast, brownie, children, chopped, christmas, cocoa, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, mix, party, pecans, sweets
Baked Bananas (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 9, 2008
tags: antigua, bake, baked, bananas, caribbean, children, dessert, flambe, fruit, juice, lime, rum
Lemon Apricot Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 12, 2008
tags: apricot, bake, cake, children, christmas, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, halloween, hanukkah, lemon, light, nectar, party, potassium
Smothered Chicken Breasts (Poultry recipe)
added on Feb 12, 2008
tags: american, bacon, breasts, cheese, chicken, colby-monterey, easter, european, jack, main, onion, poultry, roast, smothered, thanksgiving
Tangy Slow Cooker Pork Roast (Meat recipe)
added on Feb 13, 2008
tags: american, black-pepper, christmas, easter, european, ketchup, main, meat, onion, pork, roast, slow, slow-cooker, soy-sauce, tangy, vegetable, vinegar, wine
Lamb Meatloaf (Main Dish recipe)
added on Feb 15, 2008
tags: american, bake, european, lamb, main, meat, meatloaf, mustard, onion, tomato-sauce, vinegar
Chinese Napa Cabbage Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Feb 15, 2008
tags: almonds, cabbage, chinese, healthy, napa, onion, pasta, salad, sesame-oil, sesame-seeds, soy-sauce, starter, vegetable
Chinese Cabbage Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Feb 15, 2008
tags: cabbage, cashew, chinese, chinese-cabbage, coleslaw, healthy, noodle, onions, pasta, salad, soy-sauce, starter, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian
Healthy Green Fish Curry (Fish recipe)
added on Feb 15, 2008
tags: beans, bran, coconut-milk, curry, fish, green, green-beans, healthy, lime, lunch, peas, rice-bran, thai, vegetable
Baked Calamari (Appetizer recipe)
added on Feb 15, 2008
tags: appetizer, bake, baked, breadcrumbs, calamari, capers, cornflour, entree, greek, greek-style, healthy, italian, lunch, onion, salad, sauce, seafood, shellfish, starter, tartare, vegetable
Tartare Sauce (Sauce recipe)
added on Feb 15, 2008
tags: capers, dairy, european, gherkin, greek, greek-style, healthy, onion, sauce, tartare, yoghurt
French Breakfast Puffs (Breakfast recipe)
added on Feb 16, 2008
tags: american, bread, breakfast, cinnamon, egg, french, milk, nutmeg, pastry, puffs
Breakfast Muffins (Breakfast recipe)
added on Feb 16, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, blueberries, breakfast, butter, children, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, european, fresh, milk, muffins, pie
Apple Breakfast Bread (Breakfast recipe)
added on Feb 16, 2008
tags: american, apple, bake, baking, bread, breakfast, children, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, european, fruit, healthy
Breakfast Rounds (Breakfast recipe)
added on Feb 16, 2008
tags: american, apple, bake, baking, breakfast, children, cinnamon, cookies, dessert, european, fruit, margarine, microwave, peanut-butter, rounds
Strawberry Oatmeal Breakfast Smoothie (Breakfast recipe)
added on Feb 16, 2008
tags: american, banana, breakfast, children, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, european, french, fruit, healthy, oatmeal, rolled-oats, smoothie, soy-milk, strawberry, vanilla, vegan, vegetarian, vitamin
Baked Pineapple Casserole (Casserole recipe)
added on Feb 16, 2008
tags: american, bake, baked, breakfast, casserole, children, christmas, cookies, dessert, easter, european, fruit, healthy, party, pineapple
Kvas (Drink recipe)
added on Feb 17, 2008
tags: black-bread, botvinia, bread, drink, european, healthy, kvas, mint, non-alcoholic, okroshka, raisins, russian, summer, vegan, vegetarian, yeast
Pecan Snack (Snack recipe)
added on Feb 17, 2008
tags: american, bake, european, nut, party, pecan, side, side-dish, snack, starter
Microwave Lemon Curd (Microwave recipe)
added on Feb 18, 2008
tags: american, butter, christmas, curd, dessert, easter, eggs, healthy, juice, lemon, microwave, thanksgiving
Pizza Dough (Pizza recipe)
added on Feb 19, 2008
tags: american, baking, bread, dairy, dough, european, healthy, italian, olive-oil, pizza, yeast
Chocolate Banana Oatmeal Porridge (Garnish recipe)
added on Feb 19, 2008
tags: american, banana, breakfast, children, chocolate, european, fruit, garnish, healthy, oatmeal, porridge, side-dish, vegan, vegetarian
Microwave Spiced Nuts (Microwave recipe)
added on Feb 20, 2008
tags: children, cinnamon, dessert, microwave, nut, nutmeg, nuts, pecan, side-dish, snack, spiced, starter
Microwave Apple Crisp (Microwave recipe)
added on Feb 20, 2008
tags: american, apple, breakfast, butter, cinnamon, crisp, dessert, european, flour, fruit, granny-smith, microwave, oats, side-dish
Pumpkin Puree (Garnish recipe)
added on Feb 20, 2008
tags: american, bake, european, garnish, halloween, healthy, pumpkin, puree, side, side-dish, thanksgiving, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian
Spicy Pumpkin Fudge (Cookie recipe)
added on Feb 20, 2008
tags: almonds, american, bake, butterscotch, cookies, dairy, dessert, fudge, halloween, healthy, marshmallow, pumpkin, snack, spicy, vanilla, vegetable
Cranberry Pudding (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 20, 2008
tags: children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, cranberry, dessert, drink, easter, european, fruit, halloween, healthy, kisiel, potato-starch, pudding, starch
Beer Crackers (Snack recipe)
added on Feb 21, 2008
tags: american, bake, beer, children, cornmeal, crackers, dairy, garlic, gorgonzola, green-onions, healthy, mozzarella, olive-oil, parmesan, parsley, snack, yeast
Amusement Park Cornbread (Bread recipe)
added on Feb 23, 2008
tags: american, amusement, bake, bread, breakfast, butter, cornbread, cornmeal, dairy, egg, healthy, milk, park, side-dish, vanilla
Angel Food Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 23, 2008
tags: almond, american, angel, angel-food, bake, baking, cake, children, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, party, pie, thanksgiving, vanilla
Baked Apples (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 23, 2008
tags: apples, bake, baked, breakfast, butter, children, christmas, cinnamon, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, european, fruit, green-apples, healthy, party, tart, thanksgiving
Bake Sale Lemon Bars (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 23, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, bars, children, christmas, cookies, dessert, easter, egg, fruit, lemon, party, sale
Grilled Salmon (Fish recipe)
added on Feb 23, 2008
tags: christmas, eastern, european, fillets, fish, grill, grilled, healthy, main, party, salmon, soy-sauce, vegetable-oil
Basic Pizza Dough (Pizza recipe)
added on Feb 24, 2008
tags: bake, baking, basic, bread, dairy, dough, european, italian, party, pizza, vegan
Pumpkin Bread (Bread recipe)
added on Feb 24, 2008
tags: allspice, american, bake, baking, bread, breakfast, cinnamon, dairy, dessert, european, halloween, healthy, nutmeg, nuts, pumpkin, raisins, vegetable
Pina Colada (Drink recipe)
added on Feb 24, 2008
tags: alcoholic, caribbean, christmas, coconut, colada, drink, easter, fruit, halloween, ice, juice, milk, party, pina, pina-colada, pineapple, rum, spanish, thanksgiving
Peppermint Chiffon Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 24, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, cake, chiffon, children, christmas, cookies, dessert, egg, european, healthy, party, peppermint, vanilla
Italian Pork Loin (Main Dish recipe)
added on Feb 25, 2008
tags: carrot, christmas, halloween, italian, loin, main, meat, pork, potato, roast, tenderloins, thanksgiving
Warm Witch's Blood (Drink recipe)
added on Feb 25, 2008
tags: american, apple-cranberry, blood, children, cinnamon, cooking-with-a-child, drink, european, halloween, juice, mocktail, non-alcoholic, orange, party, warm, witch's
Bavarian Veal (Meat recipe)
added on Feb 26, 2008
tags: bacon, bavarian, beef, broth, cheese, christmas, cutlets, dijon-style, easter, european, german, main, meat, mustard, onion, red-wine, veal, veal-in-wine, vegetable, white-pepper, wine
Classic Strawberry Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Feb 27, 2008
tags: american, bake, children, classic, cooking-with-a-child, cracker, crumbs, dairy, dessert, easter, fruit, graham, margarine, party, pie, strawberry
Cherry Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Feb 27, 2008
tags: almond, american, bake, baking, butter, cherry, children, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, egg, eggs, european, fruit, healthy, lemon-juice, party, pie, summer
German Chocolate Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Feb 27, 2008
tags: bake, baking, children, chocolate, christmas, cocoa, coconat, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, german, party, pecans, pie, vanilla
Green Tea And Berry Smoothie (Drink recipe)
added on Feb 27, 2008
tags: american, banana, berry, blender, dessert, drink, european, green, healthy, juice, orange, smoothie, tea, vanilla, yogurt
Cinderella (Drink recipe)
added on Feb 28, 2008
tags: children, cinderella, cooking-with-a-child, drink, european, fruit, healthy, juice, lemon, mocktail, non-alcoholic, orange, pineapple, soda
Calypso Coffee (Drink recipe)
added on Feb 28, 2008
tags: alcoholic, calypso, christmas, coffee, coffee-liqueur, dessert, drink, drinks, european, liqueur, party, whipping-cream
Peppermint Snowballs (Cookie recipe)
added on Feb 29, 2008
tags: american, children, christmas, cookies, cream-cheese, dairy, dessert, european, milk, party, peppermint, snowballs, sweets
Carrot Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Feb 29, 2008
tags: carrot, coriander, cumin, european, garlic, healthy, parsley, salad, seed, starter, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian
Rose Petal Tea Jelly (Drink recipe)
added on Mar 1, 2008
tags: dessert, drink, eastern, gelatin, healthy, jelly, orange-juice, petal, rose, tea
Marinated Broccoli and Cauliflower (Appetizer recipe)
added on Mar 3, 2008
tags: american, appetizer, broccoli, canola, cauliflower, christmas, dill, easter, entree, european, halloween, hanukkah, healthy, marinade, marinated, snack, starter, thanksgiving, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian
French Onion Potato Salad (Appetizer recipe)
added on Mar 3, 2008
tags: appetizer, egg, european, french, healthy, lunch, onion, potato, salad, snack, starter, vegetable
Lime Sherbet (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 3, 2008
tags: children, cooking-with-a-child, cream, dairy, day, dessert, freeze, green, irish, lime, milk, party, patrick, sherbet
Lime Pudding (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 4, 2008
tags: day, dessert, egg, fruit, irish, juice, lime, milk, party, patrick, pudding, zest
Key Lime Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Mar 4, 2008
tags: bake, dairy, day, dessert, eggs, fruit, healthy, irish, juice, key, lime, milk, party, patrick, pie, zest
Sweet And Sour Pork (Meat recipe)
added on Mar 6, 2008
tags: american, christmas, easter, european, main, meat, olive-oil, pineapple, pork, rice, sauce, sour, sweet, sweet-and-sour, tenderloin, teriyaki, vegetable
Oriental Coleslaw (Salad recipe)
added on Mar 6, 2008
tags: almond, american, appetizer, breakfast, coleslaw, dressing, entree, european, healthy, light, noodles, onion, oriental, ramen, salad, seeds, sunflower, vegetable
Bacon and Cabbage Slaw (Salad recipe)
added on Mar 6, 2008
tags: american, bacon, cabbage, coleslaw, dijon, dressing, european, healthy, irish, lunch, mustard, red-pepper, salad, side-dish, slaw, starter, vegetable
Irish Lamb Stew (Meat recipe)
added on Mar 7, 2008
tags: bacon, carrot, day, garlic, healthy, irish, lamb, main, meat, onion, patrick, potato, stew, vegetable
Green Punch (Drink recipe)
added on Mar 7, 2008
tags: ale, day, drink, fruit, gelatin, green, irish, juice, orange, party, patrick, pineapple, punch
Irish Bananas (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 7, 2008
tags: bananas, butter, cream, dessert, fruit, ice, irish, party, patrick, vanilla, whiskey
Goulash Recette (Meat recipe)
added on Apr 20, 2011
tags: beef, european, goulash, main, meat, paprika, recette, rice, steak, stew, stir-fry
Citrus Crocked Ham (Meat recipe)
added on Mar 10, 2008
tags: ale, american, bake, christmas, citrus, cloves, crocked, easter, european, fruit, ginger, ham, lemon, main, meat, orange, party, slow
Peach Stuffed French Toast (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 10, 2008
tags: bake, bread, children, cinnamon-raisin, cooking-with-a-child, cream-cheese, dessert, easter, egg, european, french, milk, party, peach, stuffed, toast, vanilla
Braided Easter Bread (Bread recipe)
added on Mar 11, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, braided, bread, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, nuts, party, yeast
Russian Easter Bread (Bread recipe)
added on Mar 11, 2008
tags: advance, bake, baking, bread, cake, cherries, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, glazed, milk, party, raisins, russian, vanilla
Easter Ham with Peach Glaze (Meat recipe)
added on Mar 11, 2008
tags: american, bake, broth, chicken, cinnamon, dairy, easter, european, fruit, glaze, halloween, ham, main, meat, party, peach, pork, raisins
Barm Brack (Bread recipe)
added on Mar 13, 2008
tags: bake, baking, barm, brack, bread, cookies, dairy, dessert, egg, fruit, healthy, irish
Gooseberry Crumble (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 13, 2008
tags: bake, butter, cookies, crumble, dairy, dessert, fruit, gooseberry, healthy, irish, summer
Prosecco Sangria (Drink recipe)
added on Mar 14, 2008
tags: alcoholic, apricot, brandy, christmas, drink, easter, fruit, halloween, italian, party, peach, prosecco, sangria, spanish, sparking, wine
Galician Almond Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 14, 2008
tags: almond, bake, butter, cake, christmas, cinnamon, cookies, dessert, easter, egg, galician, nut, party, spanish
Portuguese Sangria Blanco (Drink recipe)
added on Mar 15, 2008
tags: alcoholic, apple, banana, blanco, chardonnay, cinnamon, drink, european, fruit, juice, orange, party, portuguese, sangria, white-wine, wine
Swiss Chocolate Fondue (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 17, 2008
tags: apple, banana, butter, chocolate, christmas, cocoa, cream, dessert, easter, european, fondue, fruit, party, pinapple, strawberries, swiss, vanilla
Fried Apricot Pies (Pie recipe)
added on Mar 17, 2008
tags: american, apricot, bake, butter, children, christmas, cinnamon, dairy, dessert, easter, european, fried, fruit, pie, pies, sweets
Italian Easter Bread (Bread recipe)
added on Mar 18, 2008
tags: almond, american, anise, bake, baking, bread, butter, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, healthy, italian, party, seed, yeast
Layered Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Mar 18, 2008
tags: american, bacon, bell-pepper, carrot, cheddar, cheese, croutons, easter, european, green-pepper, healthy, iceberg, layered, lettuce, lunch, main, mayonnaise, onion, party, pepper, salad, starter, vegetable
Candy Carrot Coins (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 18, 2008
tags: american, candy, carrot, children, coins, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, european, microwave, party, vegetable
Bunny Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Mar 19, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, bunny, children, cinnamon, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, easter, egg, ginger, molasses, party
Kulich (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 19, 2008
tags: almond, bake, baking, bread, butter, currants, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, kulich, nut, party, raisins, russian, sherry, yeast
Babka (Polish Easter Bread) (Bread recipe)
added on Mar 22, 2008
tags: babka, bake, baking, bread, children, dessert, easter, egg, european, healthy, milk, polish, raisins, yeast
Maple Syrup Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Mar 24, 2008
tags: american, bake, canadian, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, maple, party, pie, syrup
Asian Fire Meat (Meat recipe)
added on Mar 25, 2008
tags: asian, beef, black-pepper, carrot, chinese, fire, garlic, leek, main, meat, party, pepper, red-pepper, sesame, steak, vegetable
Apple Biscotti (Bread recipe)
added on Mar 27, 2008
tags: apple, bake, baking, biscotti, bread, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, healthy, italian, party
Jamaican Grilled Sweet Potatoes (Side Dish recipe)
added on Mar 29, 2008
tags: american, butter, cilantro, ginger, grill, grilled, healthy, jamaican, lunch, molasses, potatoes, side, side-dish, sweet, sweet-potato, vegetable
Raspberry Muffins (Cookie recipe)
added on Apr 8, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, children, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, muffins, party, raspberry
Oatmeal Muffins (Cookie recipe)
added on Apr 8, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, british, children, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, healthy, muffins, oatmeal, party
Carrot Muffins (Cookie recipe)
added on Apr 9, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, british, carrot, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, halloween, healthy, muffins, raisins, vegetable
Coffee Punch (Drink recipe)
added on Apr 10, 2008
tags: american, christmas, coffee, cream, dairy, dessert, drink, european, halloween, ice-cream, non-alcoholic, nutmeg, party, punch, vanilla
Baklazhannaia Ikra (Snack recipe)
added on Apr 19, 2008
tags: bake, baklazhannaia, bread, breakfast, egglplant, european, healthy, ikra, lunch, russian, snack, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian
Black Forest Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on May 4, 2008
tags: bake, baking, black, cake, children, christmas, cookies, dairy, dessert, easter, european, forest, fruit, thanksgiving
Strawberry Shortcake (Dessert recipe)
added on May 4, 2008
tags: bake, children, christmas, dessert, easter, european, fruit, hanukkah, shortcake, strawberry, thanksgiving
Old-Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake (Dessert recipe)
added on May 7, 2008
tags: american, bake, children, christmas, dairy, dessert, easter, european, fruit, old-fashioned, shortcake, strawberry
Whiskey-Marinated Steak (Meat recipe)
added on May 14, 2008
tags: american, beef, easter, european, main, marinated, meat, steak, thanksgiving, vegetable, whiskey
Chantal's New York Cheesecake (Dessert recipe)
added on May 21, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, chantal's, cheesecake, children, christmas, dairy, dessert, easter, european, new, new-york, york
Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake (Dessert recipe)
added on May 21, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, cheese, cheesecake, children, christmas, dairy, dessert, double, easter, european, halloween, layer, pumpkin
White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake (Dessert recipe)
added on May 21, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, cheesecake, children, chocolate, christmas, cornstarch, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, party, raspberry, thanksgiving, white-chocolate
Lithuanian AppIe Crumb Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on May 25, 2008
tags: appie, bake, baking, cake, children, christmas, cookies, crumb, dairy, dessert, easter, european, fruit, healthy, lithuanian, party, thanksgiving
Frozen Coffee Parfait (Dessert recipe)
added on Jun 5, 2008
tags: american, children, coffee, cream, dairy, dessert, easter, european, freeze, frozen, halloween, parfait, party
Moonbeam Pumpkin Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Jun 8, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, dairy, egg, moonbeam, party, pie, pumpkin, thanksgiving, vegetable
Matzo Kugel (Dessert recipe)
added on Jun 29, 2008
tags: american, bake, dairy, dessert, eastern, fruit, hanukkah, healthy, kugel, matzo, party
Holiday Ham (Meat recipe)
added on Jul 6, 2008
tags: allspice, american, bake, christmas, easter, european, fruit, ham, holiday, main, meat, party, pineapple, pork
New York Style Cheesecake (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, cheesecake, christmas, cornstarch, cream-cheese, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, flour, halloween, new, new-york, party, ricotta, style, thanksgiving, york
Cherry Dreamwhip Cheesecake (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2008
tags: american, cheese, cheesecake, cherry, christmas, dairy, dessert, dreamwhip, easter, european, fruit, halloween, healthy, party, thanksgiving
Apple Crumb Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Jul 12, 2008
tags: american, apple, bake, christmas, crumb, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, halloween, hanukkah, healthy, party, pie, thanksgiving
Spicy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Jul 19, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, children, christmas, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, healthy, oatmeal, raisin, soda, spicy
Soft Ginger Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Jul 19, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, children, christmas, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, ginger, halloween, hanukkah, healthy, molasses, soda, soft
Flatlander Chili (Meat recipe)
added on Jul 24, 2008
tags: american, beef, caribbean, chili, christmas, easter, european, flatlander, ground-beef, healthy, main, meat, party, vegetable
Strawberry Spinach Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Jul 29, 2008
tags: american, european, fruit, healthy, lunch, salad, spinach, starter, strawberry, summer, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian, vitamin
Cucumber Crab Slaw (Salad recipe)
added on Jul 29, 2008
tags: american, celery, christmas, crab, cucumber, dairy, easter, european, lunch, mayonnaise, mustard, party, salad, seafood, slaw, starter, sugar, summer, vegetable
Fresh Apricot Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Aug 1, 2008
tags: american, apricot, bake, baking, cake, children, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, egg, european, fresh, fruit, healthy, party, pie, potassium, summer
Grandma Apple Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Aug 3, 2008
tags: american, apple, bake, baking, children, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, european, fruit, grandma, healthy, party, pie, summer, sweets
Blackberry and Blueberry Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Aug 3, 2008
tags: american, bake, blackberry, blueberry, children, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, european, french, fruit, healthy, party, pie, summer, vitamin
Shortbread Cookie (Cookie recipe)
added on Aug 10, 2008
tags: bake, baking, british, children, christmas, cookie, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, easter, european, hanukkah, party, shortbread, thanksgiving
Firecracker Grilled Alaska Salmon (Fish recipe)
added on Aug 15, 2008
tags: alaska, american, christmas, european, firecracker, fish, grill, grilled, healthy, lunch, main, party, salmon
Sour Cream Chocolate Frosting (Dessert recipe)
added on Aug 29, 2008
tags: children, chocolate, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, cream, dairy, dessert, easter, european, frosting, halloween, hanukkah, sour-cream, thanksgiving, vanilla
Cranberry Spinach Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Sep 6, 2008
tags: almond, american, appetizer, cranberry, entree, fruit, salad, sesame, spinach, starter, summer, vegetable, vitamin
Pumpkin Coffee Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 11, 2008
tags: american, bake, cake, children, coffee, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, egg, european, fruit, halloween, party, pumpkin
Pumpkin Gingerbread (Bread recipe)
added on Oct 11, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, bread, dairy, egg, european, gingerbread, halloween, healthy, party, pumpkin
Pumpkin Ice Cream (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 2, 2008
tags: american, children, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, freeze, fruit, halloween, ice-cream, party, summer, vegetable
Vanilla Ice Cream (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 2, 2008
tags: american, children, cooking-with-a-child, cream, dairy, dessert, european, freeze, fruit, ice, ice-cream, party, summer, vanilla
Christmas Fruit Mince (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 3, 2008
tags: american, children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, european, fruit, mince, nut, party, sweets, xmas
Christmas Morning French Toast (Breakfast recipe)
added on Dec 4, 2008
tags: american, bread, breakfast, christmas, dairy, egg, european, french, healthy, morning, starter, toast, xmas
Easy Christmas Swirl Brownies (Cookie recipe)
added on Dec 4, 2008
tags: american, bake, brownies, cheese, children, christmas, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, cream, dairy, dessert, easy, european, party, sweets, swirl, xmas
Mulled Wine or Glogg (Drink recipe)
added on Dec 5, 2008
tags: alcoholic, beverage, burgundy, cardamom, christmas, cinnamon, drink, european, glogg, jul, madeira, mulled, party, port, red-wine, smorgasbord, swedish, wine
Christmas Julskinka (Meat recipe)
added on Dec 5, 2008
tags: bake, christmas, european, ham, healthy, jul, julskinka, main, meat, mustard, party, pork, smorgasbord, swedish, xmas
Vegetarian Christmas Pudding (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 11, 2008
tags: american, brandy, christmas, cinnamon, dates, dessert, flour, fruit, ginger, honey, nutmeg, pudding, sultanas, vegetarian, xmas
Chewy Sugar Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Dec 25, 2008
tags: american, bake, baking, chewy, children, christmas, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, easter, european, halloween, party, sugar, thanksgiving
Berries and Hearts Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Jan 28, 2009
tags: artichoke, berries, burgundy, cranberries, dessert, european, fruit, hearts, party, radicchio, raspberries, salad, shallots, starter, strawberries, valentine, vegetable, walnut
Valentines Breakfast Biscuits (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 28, 2009
tags: american, bake, baking, biscuits, breakfast, cocoa, dairy, dessert, european, fruit, healthy, milk, party, soda, valentine
Valentines Heart Pie (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 29, 2009
tags: american, bake, dairy, dessert, european, gelatin, heart, party, pie, valentine
Dunkadelic Big Dance Honey BBQ Wings (Main Dish recipe)
added on Feb 25, 2009
tags: american, bake, barbecue, bbq, big, chicken, chicken-wings, dance, dunkadelic, honey, main, ncaa, party, tabasco, tournament, wings, winter
Easter Baskets and Bunnies Cupcakes (Cookie recipe)
added on Apr 4, 2009
tags: american, baskets, bunnies, children, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, cupcakes, dairy, easter, sweets
Angel Food Candy (Dessert recipe)
added on Apr 7, 2009
tags: american, angel, candy, children, chocolate, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, european, sweets
Easter Basket (Cookie recipe)
added on Apr 7, 2009
tags: american, bake, baking, basket, children, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, easter, european
Italian Braided Easter Bread (Dessert recipe)
added on Apr 7, 2009
tags: bake, baking, braided, bread, children, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, easter, european, italian
Rhodes Monkey Bread (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Rhodes Monkey Bread (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, christmas, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Cinnamon Blueberry Crumble (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Pork Liver with Mushrooms (Lunch recipe)
added on Nov 5, 2010
tags: canola, ginger, healthy, liver, lunch, meat, mushrooms, oil, oyster, pork, rice, sauce
Mini Monkey Bread (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Sweet Heart Ring (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Twisted Valentine Bread (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Warm-N-Serv Lemon Pull-Aparts (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Apple Spice Rolls (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Almond Cream Cheese Squares (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Cinnamon Marble Loaf French Toast with Butter Syrup (Breakfast recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, christmas, cinnamon, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, maple, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Churros (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2009
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, halloween, hanukkah, party, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Sushi rolls (Lunch recipe)
added on Jul 15, 2009
tags: entree, fish, healthy, japanese, lunch, nori, party, rice, rolls, seafood, shrimp, snack, soya, starter, sushi, wasabi
Cinnamon Roll Bread Pudding (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 17, 2009
tags: bake, bread, brown, cake, cinnamon, dessert, desserts, frosting, life, pie, powdered, pudding, roll, sugar, sweet
Molten Chocolate Cakes with Raspberries (Dessert recipe)
added on Aug 6, 2009
tags: american, bake, baking, cakes, children, chocolate, christmas, cooking-with-a-child, cupcake, cupcakes, dessert, easter, european, molten, raspberries
Fresh Peach Delight (Dessert recipe)
added on Aug 17, 2009
tags: bake, basil, board, bread, bubbly, buns, butter, cake, checker, cheese, delight, dessert, fresh, hot, kids, peach, pie, rhodes, rolls, sugar, tart, tomato
Mini Monkey Bread (Dessert recipe)
added on Aug 24, 2009
tags: bake, basil, board, bread, bubbly, buns, butter, cake, checker, cheese, delight, dessert, fresh, hot, kids, mini, monkey, peach, pie, rhodes, rolls, sugar, tart, tomato
Cinnamon Apple Crumble (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 7, 2009
tags: apple, bake, bread, butter, cake, cheddar, cheese, cinnamon, corn, crumble, crusty, dessert, fall, fresh, garden, garlic, kids, mini, panini, pasta, penne, pesto, pie, pizza, rhodes, sugar, twist
Barm Brack (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 22, 2009
tags: american, bake, baking, barm, brack, cake, dessert, fruit, halloween, irish, nut, party
Bonfire toffee (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 23, 2009
tags: american, bonfire, british, children, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, halloween, party, sweets, toffee
Basil Tomato Rolls (Main Dish recipe)
added on Nov 9, 2009
tags: bake, basil, cheese, dipper, halloween, hand, hot, main, party, potassium, rhodes, rolls, sandwitches, sausage, scary, spicy, stickhandwitches, sugar, sweet, tomato, wicked, witch, witches
Pumpkin Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Nov 22, 2009
tags: american, bake, baking, children, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, healthy, party, pie, pumpkin, thanksgiving, vegetable
Pumpkin Cheesecake (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 23, 2009
tags: american, bake, cheesecake, dessert, halloween, healthy, party, pumpkin, thanksgiving, vegetable
Cinnamon Stars (Cookie recipe)
added on Dec 8, 2009
tags: american, bake, baking, children, christmas, cinnamon, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, egg, european, gluten-free, healthy, party, stars
Spiced Apple Muffins (Cookie recipe)
added on Dec 21, 2009
tags: american, apple, bake, baking, british, children, christmas, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, easter, egg, european, healthy, muffins, party, spiced, thanksgiving
Fresh Cranberry Juice (Drink recipe)
added on Dec 21, 2009
tags: american, children, christmas, cranberry, drink, easter, european, fresh, fruit, healthy, juice, non-alcoholic, party, thanksgiving
Peppermint Twists (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 21, 2009
tags: bake, candy, cheese, chocolate, chrishtmas, dessert, dinner, german, glaze, knot, oven, pizza, rhodes, rolls, stuffing, sugar, sweet, texas
BaumKuchen (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 22, 2009
tags: bake, baumkuchen, children, chocolate, christmas, cornstarch, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, german, party, swiss
German Kasekuchen (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 23, 2009
tags: bake, baking, cheese, cheesecake, children, christmas, cornstarch, cottage, dairy, dessert, easter, egg, european, fruit, german, healthy, kasekuchen, party, pregnancy-friendly, thanksgiving
Butterscotch Pecan Bread Pudding (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 18, 2010
tags: american, autumn, bake, bread, children, dairy, dessert, egg, healthy, spring, summer, sweets, winter
Apple Strudel (Apfelstrudel) (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 23, 2010
tags: apfelstrudel, apple, apples, autumn, bake, baking, barbecue, children, christmas, cinnamon, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, european, fruit, german, healthy, lemon, party, pastry, strudel, sugar, thanksgiving, zest
Pulled Pork and Pineapple Pizza (Pizza recipe)
added on Feb 1, 2010
tags: american, autumn, bake, christmas, healthy, main, party, pizza, pork, spring, summer, thanksgiving, winter
Scrumptious Apple-Pecan Cheesecake (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 9, 2010
tags: apples, bake, best, cheese, cheesecake, cinnamon, cream, dessert, ever, pecan, vanilla
Orange Butterflake Rolls (Dessert recipe)
added on Apr 7, 2010
tags: bake, butter, cheese, dessert, dinner, lunch, orange-zest, orange.butterflake, ornage-juice, powdered-sugar, rhodes, rolls, sugar, texas
Lemon Cloverleaf Rolls (Dessert recipe)
added on Apr 13, 2010
tags: bake, butter, cheese, cloverleaf, dessert, dinner, juice, lemon, lunch, orange, orange-zest, ornage-juice, powdered-sugar, rhodes, rolls, sugar, texas
Banana Cream Pizza (Dessert recipe)
added on Apr 19, 2010
tags: bake, banana, brown-sugar, butter, cheese, chopped-pecans, cream, dessert, dinner, juice, lemon, lunch, ornage-juice, pizza, powdered-sugar, pudding, rhodes, rolls, texas, whipped-topping
Gingerbread Biscotti (Cookie recipe)
added on Apr 23, 2010
tags: bake, baking, biscotti, children, christmas, cinnamon, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, crispy, dairy, easter, egg, ginger, gingerbread, healthy, italian, molasses, nut, nutmeg, thanksgiving
Pretzel Snacks (Appetizer recipe)
added on Apr 28, 2010
tags: appetizer, bake, butter, cheese, chopped-pecans, dinner, juice, lemon, lunch, ornage-juice, parmesan, powdered-sugar, pretzel, pudding, rhodes, rolls, snacks, texas, whipped-topping
Chocolate Stuffed Sticky Bundt (Dessert recipe)
added on May 10, 2010
tags: brown-sugar, chip, chocolate, cocoa, dessert, dinner, dough, frozen, granulated-sugar, ground-cinnamon, margarine, milk, pecasn, rhodes, rolls, sticky, stuffed, sweet, texas, toffee-bits
Lemon Pecan Twists (Dessert recipe)
added on May 24, 2010
tags: brown-sugar, butter-softened, chopped-pecan, dessert, desserts, dinner, dough, frozen, grated-lemon-peel, lemon, lemon-juice, pecan, powdered-sugar, rhodes, rolls, texas, twists
Strawberry Cream Cheese Tart (Dessert recipe)
added on Jun 15, 2010
tags: cheese, cream, dessert, dinner, dough, frozen, rhodes, rolls, strawberry, sugar, tart, texas, vanilla
Scandinavian mustard dill sauce (Sauce recipe)
added on Jun 20, 2010
tags: cardamom, dill, european, mustard, party, sauce, scandinavian, summer, swedish, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian
Basic Stir Fry (Meat recipe)
added on Aug 4, 2010
tags: basic, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, christmas, easter, european, fry, kohlrabi, main, meat, pork, stir, thanksgiving, vegetable
Velveeta Cheese Fudge (Dessert recipe)
added on Aug 11, 2010
tags: american, butter, cheese, christmas, cocoa, dairy, dessert, easter, european, fudge, nuts, party, sweets, thanksgiving, vanilla, velveeta
Pickled Kohlrabi (Appetizer recipe)
added on Aug 12, 2010
tags: appetizer, autumn, carrot, dill, entree, european, garlic, kohlrabi, marinade, mustard, party, pickled, salad, starter, vegetable, vinegar
Alphabet Breadsticks (Side Dish recipe)
added on Aug 23, 2010
tags: alphabet, bake, baking, bread, breadsticks, butter, cheese, coarse, dough, egg, frozen, garlic, parmesan, poppy, rhodes, rhodesbread, salt, seeds, sesame, side, sugar
Yakitori (Main Dish recipe)
added on Sep 2, 2010
tags: cake, chicken, christmas, grill, grilled, honey, japanese, leek, main, mirin, panko, party, sauce, soya, sticks, yakitori
Jamaican Jerk Chicken (Main Dish recipe)
added on Sep 3, 2010
tags: caribbean, cayenne, chicken, cinnamon, grill, halloween, jamaican, jerk, juice, lime, main, marinade, nutmeg, oil, orange, party, poultry, sage, sauce, soy, thanksgiving, vinegar
Jerk Fajitas (Meat recipe)
added on Sep 14, 2010
tags: caribbean, cinnamon, fajitas, flank, flour, habanero, jamaican, jerk, lime, main, marinade, meat, mexico, nutmeg, party, salsa, sauce, seasoning, soy, steak, tortillas
Lithuanian Sausage (Meat recipe)
added on Sep 21, 2010
tags: christmas, european, garlic, ham, lithuanian, main, meat, party, pork, roast, saltpeter, sausage, skilandis, stomach
Cream Cheese Apple Torte (Dessert recipe)
added on Sep 22, 2010
tags: almonds, apple, bake, baking, banana, blueberry, bread, cheese, cream, dessert, dinner, dough, egg, flavor, frozen, fruit, kiwi, mango, pie, raspberry, rhodes, rhodesbread, rolls, star, strawberry, sweet, torte, vanilla, whip
Chinese Roasted Duck (Poultry recipe)
added on Sep 27, 2010
tags: chinese, christmas, duck, eastern, healthy, honey, main, party, poultry, roasted, sauce, soy
Caramel Apple Empanadas (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 4, 2010
tags: american, apple, apples, bake, baking, bread, butter, caramel, chopped, cinnamon, cooking, cream, dessert, diy, dough, empanadas, flour, food, frozen, granny, ice, juice, lemon, melted, pecans, peeled, powdered, rhodes, rhodesbread, smith, sugar, topping
Potol Dolma in Mustard Sauce (Main Dish recipe)
added on Sep 29, 2010
tags: coconut, dolma, garam, gourd, indian, khaskhas, main, masala, mustard, padwal, pointed, potol, powder, sauce, stuffed, turmeric, vegetable
Bean Soup with Tomatoes and Sausage (Soup recipe)
added on Oct 6, 2010
tags: bean, celery, cheap, chicken, easy, economic, garlic, healthy, parsley, sausage, soup, tomatoes
Buckwheat porridge with milk (Breakfast recipe)
added on Oct 6, 2010
tags: american, breakfast, buckwheat, butter, cheap, dairy, easy, healthy, light, milk, porridge, russian
Chicken Cannelloni (Pasta recipe)
added on Oct 22, 2010
tags: cannelloni, celery, cheese, chicken, chicken-pasta, cottage, economic, garlic, healthy, italian, mozzarella, mushroom, parmesan, pasta, seasoning
Portuguese Maize Bread (Bread recipe)
added on Oct 24, 2010
tags: bake, baking, blender, bread, broa, cheap, economic, healthy, maize, polenta, portuguese, yeast
Twigs (Deep Fried Pastry Strips) (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 28, 2010
tags: baking, cookies, deep, dessert, european, fried, lithuanian, pastry, strips, twigs, zagareliai
Spurgos (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 28, 2010
tags: cookies, dairy, dessert, donuts, egg, european, flour, fry, halloween, holiday, lithuanian, party, rum, spurgos, sweets, vanilla, yeast
Skeleton Cupcakes (Cookie recipe)
added on Oct 29, 2010
tags: american, baking, canola, children, chocolate, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, cupcakes, dark, dessert, frosting, fruitabu, grissini, halloween, marshmallows, microwave, party, skeleton
Lemon-Honey Roast Duck (Poultry recipe)
added on Nov 9, 2010
tags: bay, christmas, cornstarch, duck, honey, lemon, main, oven, party, poultry, roast, stock, thanksgiving, vermouth
Chocolate Filled Beignet (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 9, 2010
tags: amy, bake, baking, beignets, bread, cake, cheese, chocolate, cook, cooking, cream, dessert, desserts, diy, dough, filled, food, frozen, how, ice, learn, november, nuttela, recipe, rhodes, rhodesbread, thanksgiving, turkey, warm-n-ser
Thanksgiving Pumpkin Custard (Microwave recipe)
added on Nov 12, 2010
tags: cinnamon, custard, easy, ginger, halloween, healthy, microwave, nutmeg, party, pumpkin, thanksgiving
Torta Ricotta (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 21, 2010
tags: cheese, christmas, cream, dairy, dessert, egg, ginger, healthy, italian, lemon, party, ricotta, torta
Thanksgiving Pumpkin Candy (Cookie recipe)
added on Nov 23, 2010
tags: candy, children, cinnamon, cloves, coconut, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, party, pumpkin, sweets, thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Earthquake Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Nov 23, 2010
tags: bake, baking, children, cinnamon, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, earthquake, ginger, molasses, party, sweets, thanksgiving, vanilla
Pumpkin Bread Pudding (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 23, 2010
tags: american, bread, caramel, children, cinnamon, dessert, golden, halloween, party, pie, pudding, pumpkin, raisins, sauce, spice, thanksgiving, vanilla
Margherita Cocktail (Drink recipe)
added on Nov 25, 2010
tags: alcoholic, cocktail, drink, egg, halloween, juice, lime, margherita, party, sugar, tequila, triple-sec
Strudel Di Mele (Pie recipe)
added on Nov 26, 2010
tags: apfelstrudel, apple, apricot, baking, breadcrumbs, children, cinnamon, dessert, fruit, healthy, italian, lemon, mele, party, pie, raisins, strudel
Pumpkin Apple Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 26, 2010
tags: american, apple, autumn, baking, cake, children, dessert, halloween, party, pumpkin, streusel, thanksgiving
Indian Tofu (Lunch recipe)
added on Nov 30, 2010
tags: canola, cheese, eastern, garlic, ginger, indian, lunch, mattar, paneer, party, paste, pears, tofu, yogurt
Pineapple Glazed Ham (Meat recipe)
added on Dec 2, 2010
tags: bake, christmas, dijon, glazed, ham, macadamia, main, meat, mustard, nuts, party, pineapple
Christmas pudding (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 9, 2010
tags: baking, brandy, british, cherries, christmas, cinnamon, currants, dessert, healthy, molasses, nutmeg, party, pudding, raisins, shortening, walnuts, xmas
Crockpot Pheasant (Poultry recipe)
added on Dec 29, 2010
tags: american, barbecue, christmas, cook, crockpot, marinade, party, pheasant, poultry, sauce, slow, tabasco, thanksgiving, worcestershire
Raspberry Bread Pudding (Dessert recipe)
added on Jan 3, 2011
tags: amy, bake, baking, bread, cheap, christmas, cinnamon, convenient, cook, cooking, december, delicious, dessert, diy, dough, easy, elf, food, frozen, gift, holidays, how, ideas, learn, present, pudding, raspberry, recipe, rhodes, rhodesbread, rolls, saving, time, tree
British Mince Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Jan 24, 2011
tags: bake, baking, british, christmas, economic, european, healthy, meat, mince, party, pie, thanksgiving
Rockefeller Pumpkin Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Jan 27, 2011
tags: american, applejack, bake, cinnamon, cloves, dessert, fruit, ginger, pie, pumpkin, rockefeller
Baked Sweet Potatoes with Bourbon (Casserole recipe)
added on Jan 27, 2011
tags: bake, baked, bourbon, casserole, marshmallows, potatoes, rum, side-dish, sweet, sweet-potato
Potatiskorv [in English] (Meat recipe)
added on Feb 1, 2011
tags: beef, christmas, european, jul, korv, meat, pork, potatis, potatiskorv, potatoes, smorgasbord, swedish, xmas
Atta Halwa (Snack recipe)
added on Feb 4, 2011
tags: asian, atta, cardamom, cashews, ghee, halwa, indian, potassium, sikh, snack, sultanas
Veggie Red Curry (Lunch recipe)
added on Feb 11, 2011
tags: bok, brown-sugar, canola, carrot, choy, cilantro, coconut, curry, lunch, pesto, red-curry, red-pepper, thai, tofu, vegan, vegetarian, veggie
British Traditional Apple Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Feb 13, 2011
tags: apple, bake, baking, british, christmas, cinnamon, european, fruit, halloween, healthy, party, pie, traditional
Bavarian Pasta Strudel (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 14, 2011
tags: apple, bavarian, cinnamon, dessert, filling, german, healthy, party, pasta, raisins, strudel, walnuts
Fresh Strawberry Pull-Apart (Appetizer recipe)
added on Feb 14, 2011
tags: almonds, american, appetizer, bake, baking, bread, cinnamon, easter, fresh, party, pull-apart, strawberry
Grilled Margherita Shrimp Scallops with Ginger Jalapeno (Seafood recipe)
added on Feb 20, 2011
tags: chili, ginger, grilled, jalapeno, margherita, mexican, scallops, seafood, sec, shrimp, tequila, triple-sec
Chicken Parsley Salad (Salad recipe)
added on Feb 22, 2011
tags: boil, chicken, healthy, light, lunch, oil, parsley, poultry, salad, sauce, sesame, soya-sauce
Monkfish Curry (Fish recipe)
added on Mar 8, 2011
tags: carrot, chili, cognac, curry, eastern, fish, healthy, microwave, monkfish, seafood, vegetable, white-wine
Healthy Cinnamon Rolls (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 9, 2011
tags: cinnamon, dessert, filling, flour, glaze, healthy, pecans, raisins, rolls, vanilla, walnuts, yeast
Flan (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 10, 2011
tags: caribbean, corn, cornstarch, dessert, egg, flan, milk, nicaraguan, starch, vanilla
Blueberry Bran Muffins (Cookie recipe)
added on Mar 12, 2011
tags: bake, blueberry, bran, buttermilk, canola, cinnamon, cookies, healthy, molasses, muffins, oil, party, vanilla, wheat-bran
Oat Bran Cookies (Cookie recipe)
added on Mar 22, 2011
tags: bake, bran, cookies, dairy, healthy, lemon, oat, oat-bran, vanilla, zest
Soy Sauce Salmon (Fish recipe)
added on Mar 31, 2011
tags: canola, cilantro, eastern, fish, healthy, oil, salmon, sauce, scallion, seafood, soy, soy-sauce, soya, wine
Buddha's Delight (Main Dish recipe)
added on Apr 4, 2011
tags: asian, bamboo, bean, buddha, buddhist, bulbs, chinese, curd, delight, lily, lotus, main, moss, mushrooms, sesame, soy-sauce, vegan
Fruit Bruschetta (Appetizer recipe)
added on Apr 4, 2011
tags: american, appetizer, bake, baking, bread, bruschetta, cooking-with-a-child, easter, fruit, honey, kiwi, pineapple, rhodes, rolls, strawberries, warm-n-serv
Easter Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Apr 5, 2011
tags: bake, basket, cake, children, coloring, cooking-with-a-child, dairy, dessert, easter, european, food
All Bran Cream Scones (Cookie recipe)
added on Apr 8, 2011
tags: all-bran, bake, baking, bran, butter, cereal, cookies, cream, dairy, flour, healthy, scones
Wheat Bran Bread (Bread recipe)
added on Apr 14, 2011
tags: bran, bread, butter, buttermilk, economic, flour, healthy, oat-bran, oatbran, vitamin, wheat, wheat-bran, yeast
Tomato Basil Rotini with Chicken Breast (Pasta recipe)
added on Apr 18, 2011
tags: basil, breast, chicken, diabetics, diet, feta, healthy, pasta, rotini, sugar-free, tomato, whole-wheat
Peach Bread Pudding (Appetizer recipe)
added on May 23, 2011
tags: advance, american, appetizer, bake, baking, bread, cooking-with-a-child, milk, peach, rhodes, spring, warm-n-serv
Kung Pao Chicken (Poultry recipe)
added on Jun 7, 2011
tags: chestnuts, chicken, chile, chinese, cornstarch, kung, marinade, pao, party, peanuts, poultry, sauce, sesame, soy, white-wine
Toffee Apple Tart (Bread recipe)
added on Jun 20, 2011
tags: american, apple, bake, bread, cinnamon, cooking-with-a-child, cornstarch, dessert, rhodes, rolls, summer, tart, toffee
Dutch Oven Caramel Apple Pie (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 8, 2011
tags: american, apple, bake, bread, brown-sugar, caramel, children, cinnamon, dessert, dutch, icing, oven, pecans, pie, rhodes, rolls, summer
Zucchini Oatmeal Brownies (Breakfast recipe)
added on Jul 13, 2011
tags: applesauce, breakfast, brownies, cocoa, healthy, oatmeal, oats, peanut, vanilla, vegetable, zucchini
Rice with Bonito Flakes (Fish recipe)
added on Jul 31, 2011
tags: bonito, bonito-flakes, fish, flakes, japanese, katsuo-bushi, rice, sake, sesame, soy
Fruit Pizza (Dessert recipe)
added on Aug 25, 2011
tags: apricot, bananas, blueberries, children, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, fruit, grapes, kiwi, melon, pizza, strawberries, vanilla
Raspberry-Pistachio Blossoms (Appetizer recipe)
added on Sep 2, 2011
tags: american, appetizer, bake, baking, blossoms, bread, children, pistachio, raspberry, rhodes, summer
Spiced Apple Roll (Dessert recipe)
added on Sep 3, 2011
tags: apple, cinnamon, cloves, dessert, healthy, molasses, nutmeg, party, raisins, roll, shortening, spiced
Red Currant Jam (Dessert recipe)
added on Sep 6, 2011
tags: autumn, berries, children, currant, dessert, european, healthy, jam, kirsch, red, red-currant, summer, sweets
Apple Pecan Tart (Dessert recipe)
added on Sep 26, 2011
tags: american, apple, bake, baking, beef, children, dessert, pecan, rhodes, summer, tart
Cottage cheese with berries (Dessert recipe)
added on Sep 30, 2011
tags: berries, cheese, children, cottage, dessert, easy, european, healthy, lithuanian, summer
Mushroom Buns (Bread recipe)
added on Oct 7, 2011
tags: bake, baking, bread, buns, european, grybai, healthy, lithuanian, mushroom, pyrageliai
Apple Cheese (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 7, 2011
tags: apple, autumn, baking, cheese, children, cinnamon, dessert, fruit, healthy, lithuanian
Cinnamon Apple Crisp (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 27, 2011
tags: american, apple, autumn, bake, children, cinnamon, cooking-with-a-child, crisp, dessert, fruit, healthy
Apple Jam (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 27, 2011
tags: apple, autumn, cinnamon, dessert, european, fruit, healthy, jam, lemon, microwave
Sour Cream Apple Pie (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 5, 2011
tags: american, apple, autumn, bake, butter, cinnamon, dairy, dessert, fruit, healthy, nut-free, pie, sour-cream, thanksgiving, vanilla
Pumpkin Cheesecake (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 23, 2011
tags: american, bake, cheesecake, children, dessert, healthy, party, pumpkin, sweets, thanksgiving
Christmas Pudding (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 10, 2011
tags: american, apricots, breadcrumbs, carrot, christmas, cinnamon, dessert, party, pudding, whiskey
Cassata Siciliana (Cookie recipe)
added on Jan 4, 2012
tags: bake, baking, cassata, cheese, children, christmas, cookies, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, fruit, healthy, inpastata, italian, nuts, pistachio, ricotta, siciliana
Coconut Lime Blossoms (Bread recipe)
added on Feb 24, 2012
tags: bake, blossoms, bread, coconut, dessert, lime, new, recipe, rhodes, spring
Chocolate Easter egg tart (Dessert recipe)
added on Apr 2, 2012
tags: american, children, chocolate, cocoa, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, easter, egg, party, powder, tart, vanilla
Scones / Fry Bread / Elephant Ears (Bread recipe)
added on Apr 20, 2012
tags: american, bake, baking, bread, dough, ears, elephant, frozen, fry, new, recipe, rhodes, scones, spring
Rhubarb Crisp (Dessert recipe)
added on May 10, 2012
tags: american, apple, bake, baking, cinnamon, crisp, dessert, easter, healthy, oats, party, rhubarb, syrup, tapioca
Simple Cinnamon Rolls (Dessert recipe)
added on Jun 1, 2012
tags: american, bake, baking, bread, cinnamon, dessert, new, rhodes, rolls, simple, summer
CinnaBerry Bread (Bread recipe)
added on Jul 30, 2012
tags: american, bake, baking, berry, bread, cinna, cinnamon, new, recipe, rhodes, summer
Cinnamon Fruit Crunch (Dessert recipe)
added on Sep 21, 2012
tags: american, bake, baking, bread, breakfast, cinnamon, dessert, fun, new, recipe, rhodes, summer
Apple Strudel Pull-Aparts (Dessert recipe)
added on Sep 28, 2012
tags: 2012, american, aparts, apple, bake, bread, cinnamon, dessert, morsels, new, pull, pullapart, recipe, rhodes, rolls, snack, strudel, summer, sweet
King Cake (Dessert recipe)
added on Oct 25, 2012
tags: bake, baking, cake, dairy, dessert, egg, halloween, irish, king, nutmeg, party
Norwegian Pepperkaker (Cookie recipe)
added on Nov 1, 2012
tags: bake, baking, cardamom, children, christmas, cinnamon, cookies, dairy, european, ground, norwegian, party, pepperkaker, sweets
Bear Claws (Bread recipe)
added on Nov 2, 2012
tags: 2012, american, bake, baking, bear, bread, chocolate, claws, coconut, cooking-with-a-child, dessert, fall, new, nuts, recipe, rhodes, serv, sugar, thanksgiving
Pumpkin Pudding (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 7, 2012
tags: american, cinnamon, dessert, ginger, halloween, healthy, nutmeg, party, pudding, pumpkin
Pumpkin Slices with Rum Glaze (Bread recipe)
added on Nov 16, 2012
tags: 2012, bread, delicious, family, fun, glaze, holiday, loaf, new, november, pumpkin, recipe, rhodes, rolls, rum, serv, slice, texas, thanksgiving
Southern Bread Pudding (Bread recipe)
added on Nov 30, 2012
tags: 2012, american, autumn, bake, baking, bread, cream, dessert, family, holiday, ice, new, november, nutmeg, pudding, recipe, rhodes, southern, sweets, whipping
Pineapple Coffee Cake (Bread recipe)
added on Jan 25, 2013
tags: 2013, american, bake, bread, cake, coffee, dinner, easy, family, fruit, new, pineapple, quick, recipe, rhodes, rolls, serv, sweets, warm, winter
French Toast Bread Pudding (Bread recipe)
added on Mar 21, 2013
tags: 2013, american, bake, bread, breakfast, cold, delicious, dinner, french, march, morning, new, pudding, recipe, rhodes, rolls, serv, spring, toast, warm, winter
Raspberry Filled Rolls (Unsorted recipe)
added on Apr 25, 2013
tags: american, bake, bread, cheese, cream, delicious, dessert, dinner, filled, jam, new, oven, raspberry, rhodes, rolls, serv, spring, sweet, treat
Dried Fruit Compote (Dessert recipe)
added on Apr 28, 2013
tags: apples, apricots, berries, compote, dessert, dried, drink, european, figs, fruit, healthy, peaches, pears, polish, prunes, russian
Chocolate Fruit Pizza (Bread recipe)
added on May 10, 2013
tags: american, bake, bread, chips, choc, chocolate, cream, dessert, dinner, dough, fruit, fun, loaf, new, oven, pizza, recipe, rhodes, rolls, spring, sugar, walnuts, whipped
Lemon Slices (Bread recipe)
added on May 24, 2013
tags: american, bake, bread, dessert, dinner, dough, family, lemon, new, recipe, rhodes, rolls, slices, spring, week
Sticky Buns (Cookie recipe)
added on Jun 14, 2013
tags: american, bake, baking, bread, buns, cinnamon, dinner, dough, family, food, new, nuts, oven, pecans, recipes, rhodes, roll, rolls, serv, soft, sticky
S'more Bundt (Bread recipe)
added on Jul 26, 2013
tags: bake, bread, bundt, chocolate, crackers, delicious, dessert, dinner, dough, family, graham, marshmallow, new, recipe, rhodes, roll, serv, smore, warm
Peaches and Cream Bread (Dessert recipe)
added on Aug 23, 2013
tags: american, bake, bread, cream, delicious, dessert, dinner, dough, glaze, oven, peach, recipe, rhodes, rolls, serv, sweet
Apple Dumplings (Bread recipe)
added on Sep 27, 2013
tags: apple, bread, cinnamon, delicous, dinner, dumplings, fall, lemon, lime, recipe, rhodes, rolls, soda, sugar
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Pull Aparts (Bread recipe)
added on Oct 18, 2013
tags: american, aparts, bake, cheese, cinnamon, cook, cream, delicious, dessert, dinner, dough, fall, food, kitchen, lifestyle, pecan, pull, pumpkin, recipe, rhodes, rolls
Toffee Sweet Rolls (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 8, 2013
tags: almond, american, bake, bread, cinnamon, cook, delicious, dessert, dinner, dough, food, icing, loaf, milk, recipe., rhodes, rolls, sugar, sweet, toffee, treat
Blueberry Cream Cheese Pull Apart (Dessert recipe)
added on Nov 15, 2013
tags: american, apart, bake, blueberry, bread, breakfast, cheese, cook, cream, dessert, dinner, dough, fall, family, food, icing, lemon, pull, recipe, rhodes, roll, sugar, warm
Fantasy Fudge (Cookie recipe)
added on Nov 17, 2013
tags: american, children, chocolate, christmas, cookies, fantasy, fudge, microwave, party, sweets, winter
Apple Cranberry Braid (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 6, 2013
tags: american, apple, braid, bread, christmas, cranberry, dinner, dough, food, frozen, holiday, icing, nuts, oven, pie, recipe, rhodes, roll, sugar, texas, warm, winter
Cinnamon Party Loaf (Bread recipe)
added on Jan 3, 2014
tags: american, bake, bread, cinnamon, cook, family, food, friends, glaze, honey, loaf, oven, party, recipe, rhodes
Cinnamon Blueberry Crumble (Dessert recipe)
added on Feb 14, 2014
tags: american, anytime, bake, blueberry, bread, cheese, cinnamon, cook, cream, crumble, dessert, dinner, dough, family, food, oven, pecans, rhodes, rolls, sugar, sweet, warm
Double-Crusted Apple Pie (Pie recipe)
added on Feb 21, 2014
tags: american, apple, bake, children, dessert, double-crusted, fruit, healthy, party, pie
Lucky Lime Rolls (Dessert recipe)
added on Mar 7, 2014
tags: bake, bread, cook, cute, day, delicious, dessert, dinner, dip, dough, food, glaze, green, holiday, icing, lime, lucky, march, patrick's, rhodes, rolls, serv, shamrock, sweet, zest
Hot Cross Buns (Snack recipe)
added on Apr 11, 2014
tags: american, april, bake, bread, buns, cinnamon, cook, cranberry, cross, delicious, dessert, dinner, dough, easter, family, friends, frosting, holiday, hot, meal, nutmeg, oven, raisins, rhodes, roll, snack
Cinnamon French Toast (Breakfast recipe)
added on May 9, 2014
tags: american, bake, bed, breakfast, caramel, cinnamon, dessert, food, french, mom, mother, oven, perfect, recipe, rhodes, roll, strawberry, sweet, toast
Grilled Cashew Chicken Wraps (Main Dish recipe)
added on Jul 22, 2014
tags: american, baking, bread, cashew, chicken, cooking, dish, grilled, main, nuts, rhodes, savory, snack, summer, wraps
Salted Caramel Apple Cups (Dessert recipe)
added on Sep 19, 2014
tags: apple, baking, bread, caramel, christmas, cups, dessert, dinner, food, frosting, granny, nutmeg, nuts, oven, pecan, recipe, rhodes, rolls, smith, snack, thanksgiving
Ukrainian Red Borscht (Soup recipe)
added on Nov 16, 2014
tags: beets, boil, borscht, carrot, european, healthy, main, onion, red, soup, ukrainian, vegetable
Creamy Blueberry Bread Pudding (Bread recipe)
added on Dec 11, 2014
tags: bake, baking, blueberry, bread, christmas, creamy, dessert, dough, holiday, pudding, rhodes, serv, sweet, thanksgiving
Cinnamon Pumpkin Crumble (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 19, 2014
tags: baking, bread, cinnamon, crumble, dessert, food, holiday, nutmeg, pumpkin, recipe, rhodes, roll, sweet, warm
Cinnamon Snacks (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 29, 2014
tags: baking, bite, cinnamon, dessert, dough, glaze, recipe, rhodes, size, snack, sweet
Cinnamon Nut Flatbread (Dessert recipe)
added on Jul 21, 2015
tags: baking, bread, cinnamon, dessert, dinner, flatbread, glaze, nut, oven, rhodes, rolls, sweet, walnuts
Christstollen (Dessert recipe)
added on Dec 12, 2011
tags: almonds, christmas, christstollen, dessert, european, german, lemon, party, rum, vanilla, xmas